1. tinyVAST::bering_sea
    Survey domain for the eastern and northern Bering Sea surveys
  2. tinyVAST::bering_sea_pollock_ages
    Survey catch-rates at age for Alaska pollock in the Eastern and Northern Bering Sea
  3. tinyVAST::bering_sea_pollock_vast
    Estimated proportion-at-age for Alaska pollock using VAST
    matrix|15 x 41
  4. tinyVAST::condition_and_density
    Condition and density example
  5. tinyVAST::red_snapper
    Presence/absence, count, and biomass data for red snapper
  6. tinyVAST::red_snapper_shapefile
    Shapefile for red snapper analysis
  7. tinyVAST::salmon_returns
    North Pacific salmon returns
  8. tinyVAST::sea_ice
    Arctic September sea ice concentrations